Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Adoptions from Ethiopia rise while other countries close their programs

Wednesday, October 13th, 2010

As many of us who follow international adoption know, Ethiopia is on the verge of becoming the largest sending country of orphans to the United States. It is also being used as a model of “fair” adoption practices. This comprehensive article by David Crary of the Associated Press outlines reasons why.

Adoptions from Ethiopia rise, bucking global trend

NEW YORK — As the overall number of international adoptions by Americans plummets, one country — Ethiopia — is emphatically bucking the trend, sending record numbers of children to the U.S. while winning praise for improving orphans’ prospects at home.

It’s a remarkable, little-publicized trend, unfolding in an impoverished African country with an estimated 5 million orphans and homeless children, on a continent that has been wary of international adoption.

Just six years ago, at the peak of international adoption, there were 284 Ethiopian children among the 22,990 foreign kids adopted by Americans. For the 2010 fiscal year, the State Department projects there will be about 2,500 adoptions from Ethiopia out of fewer than 11,000 overall — and Ethiopia is on the verge of overtaking China as the top source country.

The needs are enormous; many of Ethiopia’s orphans live on the streets or in crowded institutions. There’s constant wariness, as in many developing countries, that unscrupulous baby-sellers will infiltrate the adoption process.

However, a high-level U.S. delegation — led by Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., and Susan Jacobs, the State Department’s special adviser on children’s issues — came back impressed from a visit to Ethiopia last month in which they met President Girma Wolde-Giorgis.

“What’s encouraging is they want to work with us, they want to do it right,” Jacobs said in a telephone interview. “Other countries should look at what Ethiopia is trying to do.”

The global adoption landscape has changed dramatically since 2004. China, Russia and South Korea have reduced the once large numbers of children made available to foreigners while trying to encourage domestic alternatives. There have been suspensions of adoptions from Guatemala, Vietnam and Nepal due to fraud and corruption.

In contrast, Ethiopia has emerged as a land of opportunity for U.S. adoption agencies and faith-based groups. Several have been very active there in the past few years, arranging adoptions for U.S. families while helping Ethiopian authorities and charitable groups find ways to place more orphans with local families.

Buckner International, a Dallas-based Christian ministry, has about three dozen Ethiopian children lined up for adoption by U.S. parents, but it’s also engaged in numerous programs to help Ethiopia build a domestic foster care system.

In one village visited by Jacobs and Landrieu, Buckner has built a school and housing for teachers while beginning a slow assessment of the orphan population to determine which children can be cared for locally and which might benefit from U.S. adoption.

Randy Daniels, Buckner’s vice president of international operations, said the children who do head to adoptive families in the United States generally seem to flourish.

“They’re some of the warmest, most loving kids of any I’ve worked with in the world,” he said. “It’s amazing to how quickly they adjust to the families stateside, to the language, the culture.”

Buckner’s clients include David McDurham and his wife, Amy, of Mansfield, Texas, who adopted their daughter, Ella, from Ethiopia in 2008 and are preparing to pursue a second Ethiopian adoption. Unable to have a biological child, the McDurhams had been considering adopting from China. But that can now be a four-year process, and they became increasingly intrigued by Africa.

“They were just opening up the Ethiopia program,” said McDurham, a Baptist minister. “We were thinking, where did the needs of children and our needs coincide?”

McDurham said Ella, who just turned 3, is thriving in their Dallas suburb. They’ve become popular customers at a local Ethiopian restaurant and have forged ties with several other families who adopted from Ethiopia.

“We want her to see other families like hers — to know other people who have that same story,” McDurham said,

Other agencies active in Ethiopia — both with adoptions and developing local alternatives for orphans — include Bethany Christian Services and the Gladney Center for Adoption.

Gladney only registered with Ethiopian authorities in 2005 and since then has completed nearly 500 adoptions by U.S. families. J. Scott Brown, Gladney’s managing director of African programs, said the agency also is working with government-run orphanages in Ethiopia, trying to improve living conditions and develop job-training programs to benefit youths who won’t move to homes abroad.

“There are still some bad players in Ethiopia who need to be removed,” he said. “But if we can work closely with the government, this can be a leader for other countries to follow.”

Some Ethiopian officials remain skeptical of international adoption, but Brown said he’s seen doubters won over after visiting the United States to view firsthand how Ethiopian children are thriving in adoptive homes.

Landrieu, one of the leading adoption advocates in Congress, said Ethiopia deserves praise — compared with many developing countries — for recognizing that its orphans would be better off in a family environment such as foster care or an adoptive home rather than in an institution.

But resources are limited. She said there was only one judge assigned to process adoption cases and make sure that children are indeed legitimate candidates.

Heather Paul of SOS Villages-USA, which runs overseas programs supporting orphans and abandoned children, said it’s critical that potential adoptions be closely scrutinized.

“Having better regulations protects American adoptive parents too,” she said. “There’s no worse heartbreak than finding a child had been sold away.”

In contrast to Ethiopia, there’s uncertainty and frustration over adoption developments in two other countries.

In Kyrgyzstan, the government suspended adoptions in 2008 because of suspected corruption, leaving more than 60 U.S. families with pending adoptions in limbo. Plans to resume the process have been disrupted by recent political upheaval, though Jacobs said she remains hopeful that a new adoption law could be passed whenever a newly elected parliament is able to convene.

Adoptions of abandoned children from Nepal have been suspended by the U.S. government until Nepalese authorities implement procedures to curtail corruption and mismanagement. Jacobs said 80 pending U.S. adoptions are under review by the State Department.

The suspension has been criticized by some U.S. adoption advocates.

“When you close a country, you end up causing more problems than you prevented,” said Chuck Johnson, CEO of the National Council for Adoption. “What happens to the kids who aren’t adopted in Nepal? Some will end up as prostitutes and slaves.”


State Department:

Buckner International:

Copyright © 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.


US withdrawal from Guatemala adoption program shatters families’ dreams

Monday, October 11th, 2010

This blog post arrived in my inbox via Google Alerts. The blog name is Dreamer of Much; the writer seems to be a woman named “Brenna.” (I say “seems to be” because it’s not entirely clear from the website and I don’t want to post misinformation.)

From the moment the U.S. announced its withdrawal from the Guatemalan pilot adoption program, many families who had hoped to adopt from there were devastated. The news is especially crushing to those with a specific connection to Guatemala–according to Brenna’s blog, her family has done mission work there for years; she and her husband have met the children they hoped to adopt. One woman who reads this blog emailed me and asked “Where else will I go? My son is from Guatemala and he had hoped for a sister.”

My heart breaks for her and for Brenna and for everyone else who was hoping for a different outcome. 

The “Dreamer of Much” blog post:

“Picking up the pieces…of my broken heart. I found out this past week through an email and facebook, that the US has withdrawn its letter of intent to participate in the pilot program with Guatemalan adoptions. I randomly fall to pieces. I sobbed myself to sleep the night I found out. I had a few minutes of extreme weak faith and asked how are we going to get our kids home if our government continues to slam the doors… People have started asking if we are willing to “abandon” the idea of these kids and look more locally for adoptions. We have talked about it but neither of us feel ready to give up. These are our children. These are the ones God has called us to. I’m sure we could learn to love different kids but we don’t feel like we’re supposed to be “done” with these kids yet. So we will keep praying and waiting.”


Excerpt from the U.N.’s State of the World’s Indigenous Peoples report from Mayan Families

Sunday, October 10th, 2010

This information about the status of indigenous peoples in Guatemala is posted on the Mayan Families website.  Sobering statistics. I find it unbelievable that at the same time UNICEF was reporting a 50% chronic malnutrition rate among indigenous children in Guatemala, it was lobbying hard to shut down international adoptions.  UNICEF has now stepped away from working with Guatemala to improve the proposed system. How does that make sense?

Read excerpts from the Mayan Families website below:

[Earlier this year], the United Nations released its State of the World’s Indigenous Peoples report. Throughout the report, the UN reiterates the fundamental importance of providing greater educational opportunities to indigenous children.

“Indigenous peoples… face huge disparities in terms of access to and quality of education and health. In Guatemala, for example, 53.5 per cent of indigenous young people aged 15-19 have not completed primary education, as compared to 32.2 per cent of non-indigenous youth. Although infant and child mortality has been steadily decreasing throughout Latin America over the last four decades, child mortality is still 70 per cent higher among indigenous children. Furthermore, malnutrition is twice as frequent among indigenous children in the region.”

“Indigenous peoples also suffer from discrimination in terms of employment and income….[I]ndigenous workers in Latin America make on average about half of what non-indigenous workers earn.” Approximately 25-50 per cent of this income gap is “due to discrimination and non-observable characteristics, such as quality of schooling.”

“…[I]n Guatemala, indigenous peoples’ poverty rates are 2.8 times higher than the rest of the population.”

“In Guatemala, only 54 per cent of indigenous girls are in school, compared with 71 per cent of indigenous boys. By age 16, only a quarter of indigenous girls are enrolled, compared with 45 per cent of boys.”

The World Bank has reported that “the rate of stunting [height/age] for Guatemala overall is 44 percent, but for indigenous children the rate is 58 percent, higher than either Yemen or Bangladesh, and almost twice the rate for non-indigenous children.”

Finally, this from UNICEF, “Guatemala has one of the worst nutritional conditions in the region. Nearly 23% of children over three months and under five years of age suffered from general malnutrition, while almost one-half suffered from chronic malnutrition in 2006.”


Massachusetts woman stuck in Nepal, trying to adopt

Friday, October 8th, 2010

My sister Deanna, who lives in Boston, directed me to this story about a 45-year-old, single, Massachusetts woman named Dee Dee Martin who is trying to adopt a 4-year-old girl from Nepal. The story was reported on October 8 by WBUR-FM, an NPR affiliate. It’s the kind of situation I dreaded as an adoptive parent: midway through the process, the laws change, and suddenly you’re trapped at square one.  Sadly, the scenario is one painfully familiar to the Guatemala900, families waiting since for their children since Guatemala closed adoptions in December 2007.

Read the entire article here. Excerpts are below.

A woman from Revere is caught in an international adoption nightmare. Dee Dee Martin has been in Kathmandu, Nepal for more than two months, unable to bring her newly adopted daughter back to Massachusetts with her. The U.S. closed adoptions from Nepal because they fear some of the children are being stolen and sold.

…They can’t come back here because the U.S. won’t recognize the adoption.

Around the time Martin arrived in early August, the U.S. closed all new adoptions from Nepal. But Martin had Nepalese government approval and had taken custody of a 4-year-old girl named Bina. Martin thought families in the middle of adoptions would still be processed, but that hasn’t happened. She says the U.S. Embassy won’t give her specific information about her case and what’s taking so long.

“They just say that you are deemed as ‘inconclusive,’ and then the Embassy, because you are inconclusive, their hands are tied to issue a visa at this time,” Martin said….

Sens. John Kerry and Scott Brown co-signed a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton last month, saying Martin and other families are “enduring extreme emotional and financial burdens while their childrens’ cases are investigated further.”

The letter urges the U.S. government to resolve the cases quickly. In Martin’s case, she’s on unpaid leave from her job selling skin care products to salons. Her company extended her leave, but she fears she’ll be fired if she doesn’t return by Oct. 25. Despite this, Martin says she’s not leaving Nepal without Bina.

“It is absolutely not an option to leave my child in this country. I could not put her in any kind of boarding school or pay to board her back in an orphanage,” Martin said.

“My daughter is 4-years-old. She is very aware of who I am. The orphanage when we first met let her know that ‘this is your mummy’ — it would destroy her psychologically if I ever did that.”

Martin says she has police reports showing Bina was abandoned at 6-months-old, starving and with a cleft palate.

Police posted ads but nobody claimed her. She has been in the same orphanage for more than three years. Martin says these circumstances prove to her Bina is in fact an orphan and deserves to come to Revere with her new mother.


U.S. withdraws its letter of interest in Guatemalan adoption program

Thursday, October 7th, 2010

By now most of you who are interested in adoption from Guatemala have probably heard the news that on Tuesday, October 5, 2010, the United States withdrew its letter of interest in participating in Guatemala’s pilot program of a new adoption system.

This is a sad day for the thousands of children currently living in orphanages in Guatemala. To my knowledge, since adoptions closed in December 2007, the number of relinquishments and abandonments of children has not decreased. In addition, the number of domestic adoptions of Guatemalan babies by Guatemalan families remains small. Please correct me and point me to your source if I’m wrong.

Nevertheless, as the announcement states, the United States “believes that more safeguards for children should be in place before the CNA (Consejo Nacional de Adopciones) could start processing new intercountry adoptions.  In addition, the Guatemalan Government has not yet provided specific details for how adoption cases under the pilot program would be processed under Guatemala’s new adoption law.”

In my opinion, the best short-term outcome of the U.S. decision is found in this sentence: “It is our hope that the U.S. withdrawal from consideration for the pilot adoption program will allow CNA to focus its attention on resolving all pending transition cases. ”

This seems to indicate a desire for the resolution of the pending cases known as the Guatemala900. Perhaps now, finally, those children can begin to live their lives in homes more settled and permanent than their current orphanages. 

Read the full statement here:

October 5, 2010

On October 5, 2010, the United States withdrew its letter of interest in participating in a pilot program to resume processing of intercountry adoption placements for a limited number of older children, groups of siblings, and children with special needs.  The letter of interest had been previously submitted to the Guatemalan Central Authority for Adoptions,  Consejo Nacional de Adopciones (CNA), in response to its November 2009 announcement of this limited pilot program.  

The U.S. decision to withdraw its letter of interest is based on concerns that adoptions under the pilot program would not meet the requirements of the Hague Intercountry Adoption Convention.  Specifically, the United States believes that more safeguards for children should be in place before the CNA could start processing new intercountry adoptions.  In addition, the Guatemalan Government has not yet provided specific details for how adoption cases under the pilot program would be processed under Guatemala’s new adoption law.

The United States remains open to resumption of intercountry adoption placements from Guatemala, but will consider such a resumption only when it is confident that a Hague-compliant system is in place, including strong safeguards against abuses and resolution of the issues that led to corrupt and fraudulent practices prior to the 2007 halt in new adoptions.

It is our hope that the U.S. withdrawal from consideration for the pilot adoption program will allow CNA to focus its attention on resolving all pending transition cases.


Publishers Weekly calls MAMALITA “harrowing,” “moving,” and “deftly handled”

Wednesday, October 6th, 2010

This morning, my agent, Jenni Ferrari-Adler of Brick House Literary, and my publicist at Seal Press, Eva Zimmerman, sent me the fabulous news that Publishers Weekly reviewed Mamalita in its current issue, and called it “harrowing,” “moving,” and “deftly handled.” Thank you for sharing, Jenni and Eva. You made my day!

For information on how to order your own copy of Mamalita, click on the “BOOK” tab above. Publication date remains November 1, although some suppliers are delivering early.

You can read the full Publishers Weekly review here:

Mamalita: An Adoption Memoir
Jessica O’Dwyer, Seal, $16.95 trade paper (256p) ISBN 978-1-58005-334-1
O’Dwyer’s harrowing and moving journey to adopt a Guatemalan baby offers a look into one person’s experience in the frustratingly convoluted process of adopting from unscrupulous “facilitators.” O’Dwyer had gone through an early divorce and menopause at age 32 before marrying Tim, a divorced dermatologist over 50. They put together an adoption dossier and found an L.A. agency that promised a quick adoption while cutting the bureaucratic red tape. Intent on adopting a certain “Stefany Mishell” (they fell in love with from her online photo), the desperate couple soon discovered that the agency’s methods were dilatory and sloppy, neglecting the important legal paperwork, such as filing the requisite DNA test, and using shady notarios (private attorneys), so that in the end the promised six-month adoption extended over a year. Moreover, O’Dwyer’s occasional visits to Guatemala, where she met Stefany’s foster family and spent a weekend with the baby at the Camino Real hotel in Guatemala City, turned into a permanent residency, as she moved to a city north of the capital, Antiqua, to live with Stefany (now Olivia) until family court finalized the adoption. Dealing with the greedy foster family, managing the baby’s early separation anxiety, navigating the middlemen and interminable waiting are all deftly handled in O’Dwyer’s somber tale. (Nov.)


Two readings, in Albuquerque and San Diego, thanks to “the girls”

Monday, October 4th, 2010

I met Bethany and Penny in San Diego, when I moved there from Los Angeles after a divorce, the Northridge earthquake, and, oh yes, the news from my doctor that I would never have children.  The three of us worked in the art world: Me as the P.R. officer at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Bethany as the art school director at the La Jolla Athenaeum, and Penny as the grant-writer for the photography museum in Balboa Park. Our friendship was immediate and turned out to be lasting. We’ve referred to one another since the beginning as “the girls.” 

When my friends heard my book, MAMALITA: AN ADOPTION MEMOIR, was finally being published—believe me, they’ve endured every arduous phase—the girls came through. Penny, now a librarian in the San Diego County system, set up a reading for me at her branch library in Santee, in eastern San Diego. Bethany, now a designer living in New Mexico, arranged one at her favorite local indie bookstore, Bookworks, in Albuquerque.

Hope to see you at one of the readings! I can guarantee that when the girls are involved, it’s always a good time. 🙂

Friday, December 3, 2010 at 10 a.m.
Santee Branch Library
9225 Carlton Hills Boulevard
Santee, CA 92071

Tuesday, January 11, 2011, at 7 p.m.
4022 Rio Grande Boulevard NW
Albuquerque, NM 87107


NY Times article about unethical medical experiment by U.S. in Guatemala in 1940s

Saturday, October 2nd, 2010

This front-page story titled “U.S. Infected Guatemalans With Syphilis in ‘40s” ran in the Saturday, October 2, 2010 edition of  The New York Times. The author is Donald G. McNeil Jr. Excerpts from the first few paragraphs read:

“From 1946 to 1948, American public health doctors deliberately infected nearly 700 Guatemalans — prison inmates, mental patients and soldiers — with venereal diseases in what was meant as an effort to test the effectiveness of penicillin.”

“American tax dollars, through the National Institutes of Health, even paid for syphilis-infected prostitutes to sleep with prisoners, since Guatemalan prisons allowed such visits. … If the subjects contracted the disease, they were given antibiotics.”

“’However, whether everyone was then cured is not clear’,” said Susan M. Reverby, the professor at Wellesley College who brought the experiments to light in a research paper that prompted American health officials to investigate.”

On Friday, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sibelius called the experiments “clearly unethical” in an apology to the Guatemalan government and the survivors and descendants of those infected. Clinton phoned Guatemalan President Álvaro Colom on Thursday night to “express her personal outrage, deep regret,” according to the San Francisco Chronicle. On Friday, the Chronicle reported, President Obama also called Colom to apologize. President Colom called the experiments a “crime against humanity.”

Read the entire New York Times article by clicking on this link:



Why we won’t be trick-or-treating for UNICEF this year

Thursday, September 30th, 2010

Like a lot of people, I used to regard UNICEF as an organization founded to protect and advocate for children. Not anymore. Not after everything I’ve learned about UNICEF’s role in shutting down adoptions in countries such as Guatemala. That’s why I’m sharing  this article by attorney Candace O’Brien, posted by friends on Facebook, and encouraging you to do the same.

In this post, I’ve included only the parts specific to Guatemala; to read the entire article, click on the link here

“UNICEF has been waging war against international adoption for many years contrary to popular understanding… UNICEF’s premise that parents in underdeveloped countries should be provided the means to keep their children is not arguable.  Neither is UNICEF’s stance that international adoption should only be a last resort.”…

“Let’s take the example of Guatemala.  After intense pressure from UNICEF, Guatemala finally closed its doors to international adoption on December 31, 200[7].  Prior to that time, foreign nationals adopted approximately 5,000 Guatemalan children per year.   Oscar Avila, ‘Guatemala Seeks Domestic Fix to Troubled Overseas Adoptions,’ Chicago Tribune, October 26, 2008 indicated that ‘Guatemala has launched an ambitious campaign to recruit foster parents and even adoptive parents at home.’  So far, the program is failing miserably.  Avila reports, ‘Only about 45 families in a nation of 13 million currently have taken in foster children since the program began this year.’”

“The approach that Guatemala is taking by attempting to gain domestic attention to the problem is certainly meritorious; however, this approach could and should have been implemented concomitant with an international program which would ensure that thousands of children will find homes rather than waste away in institutions that are often underfunded, understaffed and unable to provide for the needs of these children.”… (more…)


Reading in Boston

Wednesday, September 29th, 2010

Greetings, friends on the East coast!

Thanks to the determined efforts of my sister, Deanna, I will be reading from Mamalita at Borders Books on Boylston Street in Boston (how’s that for alliteration?) on Sunday, December 12 at 6 p.m. Please mark your calendars. I would love, love, love to see you there.

Securing readings at bookstores is harder than one might think, at least for an unknown, first-time memoir writer like me. But it’s worth the effort. I know that one of my favorite activities is to go to my local bookstore, Book Passage, and listen to other writers read from their work, answer questions from the audience, and talk about their process. I always leave feeling energized and inspired—“She wrote a book, and if I work hard, so can I!” I bet others feel the same way, too. Plus, what’s better than listening to someone tell a great story?

Now, at last, after decades of enjoying other people’s books and many happy hours listening to them talk about them, I’ve written one myself. And I get to read from it! Please join me at Borders on Boylston on December 12 and share the celebration.

See you then! xoxox

P.S.: You’ll recognize my sister Deanna. She’ll be sitting in the front row, beaming.
