Olivia and Mateo

Tim and I knew when we married that we wanted to adopt. No questions there. We wanted to become parents, and the best solution for us was adoption. Olivia was born in 2002 and Mateo in 2004. To the question so many people have asked us: different birth families, different part of the country.

That’s one thing you get used to pretty quickly as an adoptive mom: People asking questions. All the time. Actually, it’s slowed down as the kids have gotten older and people in our small orbit know us. But it still happens, most recently at Mateo’s preschool. One of his teachers said, “Are they really brother and sister?”

“Really? Yes,” I responded. “Biologically? No.”

I’ve found that answer to be the quickest, easiest one that people understand.

I keep meaning to ask my sisters if anyone ever asks them similar questions, but I think I already know the answer. As a transracial, adoptive family you just have to accept that people are curious. You can’t let it bother you. A small price for being a mother.


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